First and foremost, do not be too hard on yourself. I know you have been through some trialing times. But remember you are still here, so you are winning, you are now stronger because of it. So if there’s anything you’re going through that seems more severe, look back at all the things you have survived through!
We can’t say we have reached the destination yet! We can’t say we are perfect! But we are striving towards perfection everyday!
The bible says ‘He that begun a good work in you will complete it’ (Philippians 1:6). If you have the confidence that He created you, then surely He will see you through. Even that business idea, that relationship, that job career, those children, if you truly believe it was all started with God, it is His duty to complete it. Now if you believe you had your hand in it and began these by yourself, then you must compete it by your own strength. Spoiler alert: you will be exhausted. Rely on His strength instead friend!
“My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). For as long as you admit your weakness and areas you need his help. His strength will abound in that situation.
Anything that I kept God in the centre of, He has completed it unto perfection. For example, when I continued to make God the centre of my degree and putting in the work required. I came out with a first class and gave all glory back to Him! From failing my A-levels TWO TIMES and failing miserably, to getting a first class. It can only be God!
'Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they are finished' - Daniel Gilbert
Gilbert, one of many billionaires and philanthropists in USA. This is one of his quotes. It looks like the key to success is realising there is still more that can be obtained. He even goes on to say “The person you are right now is as transient, as fleeting and as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been. The one constant in our lives is change.”
Change is inevitable for growth. Even the bible declares that we can going from glory to glory! We are being transformed (2 Corinthians 3:18)! Our mind needs renewing daily (Romans12:2)! There’s a daily bread we need from God (Matthew 6:11)! This means the glory we had yesterday won’t be as bright as the glory we will have tomorrow and the next. That the word we received yesterday won’t be the same word we will require today and tomorrow. And that the mindset we had yesterday won’t be enough to carry us through today. There is a present growth that is needed!
Moses, a man that saw God face to face in Exodus 33 verse 11. And was even called a friend of God. He then said to God, in the same chapter he encountered Him…
“Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.” (Exodus 33:13)
Because the more you get closer to God, it is the more you realise you don’t know a thing. It is the more you will desire to draw closer. Anytime you think you have arrived or that you know God to the T. Is the day you should realise you’ve lost the plot 😄. Because we will spend eternity getting to know Him more…
I pray you grow each and everyday. That your knowledge and experience of the word increases. That not only will your age increase but you will increase in grace and wisdom. Pray for a faith like a child and that you never grow too familiar or comfortable with the position you are now. I pray you become comfortable with uncomfortability that you may grow each and every day.
Many blessings, D x